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Antra (Propineb 70% WP)

Technical Name: Propineb 70% WP Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 27144


.No Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
1 Apple Scab 0.21% or 210 gram/100 Lt. water0.21% or 210 gram/100 Lt. water
210 gram/
100 lt. water
0.30% or 300gram/100 Lt. water
dependingupon size
of the tree and
equipment used plant protection
As required*
300 gram/
100 lt. water
2 Chilli Dieback 0.35% or 350 gram/100 Lt. water
350 gram/
100 lt. water
0.50% or 500gram/100 Lt. water As required*
100 lt. water
3 Cotton Alternaria leaf spot 875-1050 1250-1500 500 liter/hectare 27
4 Grapes Downy Mildew 0.21% or 210 gram/100 Lt. water 0.30% or 300gram/100 Lt. water As required* 40
5 Pomegranate Leaf and fruit spots 0.21% or 210 gram/100 Lt. water
210 gram/
100 lt. water
0.30% or 300gram/100 Lt. water As required*
300 gram/
100 lt. water
6 Potato Early & late blight 0.21% or 210 gram/100 Lt. water
100 lt. water
210 gram/
0.30% or 300gram/100 Lt. water
plant protection
equipment used
stage and upon crop depending
As required*
100 lt. water
300 gram/
7 Rice Brown leaf spot (Helminthosporium aryzae) Narrow leaf spot (Cercospora aryzae) 1050-1400 500 ltrs./ha. 1500-2000
8 Tomato Buck eye rot 0.21 % or 210 gram/100 lt. water 0.30% or 300gram/100 Lt. water 0.30 % or 300 gram/100 lt. water 10

Antra, Propineb 70% WP is a contact fungicide based on Propineb Technical containing 70% w/w Propineb as active ingredient and balance auxillaries as insert material. Propineb is used as a foliar spray for the control of fungal diseases in different crops. Caution : – Proudct is very toxic to aquatic invertebrates and thus product containing the molelcules may be avoided near aquaculture. * Caution Toxic to aquatic organisms hence should not be used near water bodies, aquaculture or pisciculture.

Direction of Use
Propineb 70 WP whould be applied as protectant fungicide with Knapsack,sprayer. *Dilution in water as required depending upon size of the tree and plant protection equipment.
Time of Application

keep away from food stuff, empty food stuff containers and animal feed. Do not eat, drink or somke during application. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Avoid inhalation of the spray mist. Wear protective clothing like long slieeved shirt, long pents, hand, gloves shoes and goggles while handling. Thorougly wash contaminated clothes parts of body.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Nausea, vomiting, abdonimal pain, diarrohea, if swallowed. When inhaled as fine dust, irritation to bronchial tube and lungs tissues, Sedation, reduction in general well being, salivation, anorexia, dysponea, muscle weakness.
First Aid
Induce vomiting by administering a spoonful common salt in a glass of water or insert finger into the throat. Continue till vomit fluid is clear. Call physician.

No specific antidote is known. treat symptomatically.