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Sunflower is one of the most important crop in India’s oil seed production that has contributed to rapid growth in oilseed production during late nineties and early 2000s. Sunflower is the oil of preference among the consumers’ world over due to its health appeal, sunflower oil is the largest selling oil in the branded oil segment. 

Sunflower is also a crop of choice for farmers due to its wider adaptability, high yield potential, shorter duration and profitability.

Sunflower Insecticides

S.No.ProductTechnicalTarget Pest
1ACT 25Thiamethoxam 25% WPThrips, Jassids
2PremixIMIDACLOPRID 48% FSJassids, Thrips & Whitefly
3MartinACEPHATE 75% SP


Sunflower insects, diseases and Damages

American pod borer
American pod borer
American pod borer
American pod borer
Tobacco Caterpillar on Soybean
Tobacco Caterpillar on Cotton
Tobacco Caterpillar on cabbage
Tobacco Caterpillar on Groundnut
Spodoptera litura
Thysanoplusia orichalcea