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CONTRA (Metrafenone 500 G/L SC)

Technical Name: Metrafenone 500 G/L SC Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 27151


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Grapes Powdery mildew 125 250 750 22

CONTRA (METRAFENONE 500 G/L SC) is a very effective fungicide use to control of Powdery mildew in Grapes.

Direction of Use
When used as per the recommendations given is below, Metrafenone 500 g/l SC provides effective control of powdery mildew disease in Grapes. The product is toxic to fish. Avoid use near water bodies.

Time of application and crop stage: Preventive application before the first symptoms of disease observed and can be applied at vegetative and fruiting stage of the Grapes. Weather conditions: Should be applied preferably in the morning and evening. Avoid application under high wind. There should not be any rainfall at least within 5 hours of application. Soil: This is foliar application fungicide. So, hardly have any relation to soil. Application technique, equipment type, nozzle type: The product can be sprayed with high and low volume sprayers. It can be applied by manual and tractor mounted Sprayer equipped with hollow cone nozzle using sufficient quantity of water to ensure thorough coverage. Dosage: 250 ml of formulation in 750 liters of water per hectare Instruction of mixing: Measure out required quantity of the product and mix it well with a small quantity of water. Add the remaining quantity of water as specified through agitation. Re-entry period: As soon as the spray dried on crop. PHI: 22 days Application timing: The product can be applied as prophylactic. Should be applied preferably in the morning and evening. Frequency including maximum number of sprays: 3-4 spray depending upon disease pressure. Stage during which fungicide should not be applied on any crop: No restriction for crop stage. To be used to control powdery mildew in Grapes. Not to be used on crops other than mentioned on this label/leaflet.
Time of Application
1. Avoid inhalation and skin contact while dilution because of spillage or splashes. Do not mix with bare hands. 2. The user should use full protective clothing, which includes gloves, boots, face shield and overall or rubber apron or hat.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Matrafenone has low acute toxicity, it is non-irritation to eyes and skin, and has no skin sensitization potentials. the early symptoms may be any combination of nausea, vomiting, headache and sweating.
First Aid
1. If ingested: If person is conscious and alert, rinse mouth with water and give 1 or 2 glass of water to drink. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call the doctor. Do not induce vomiting until and unless desired by attending physician. 2. If inhaled: Take the patient to fresh air and take care of body temperature. If patient is not breathing or breathing with difficulty, give artificial respiration, preferably with mouth to mouth breathing. Consult a physician. 3. In case of skin contact: Wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If pain, redness or irritation persists, consult a doctor. All the contaminated clothes should be segregated and thoroughly washed with soap and water separately before use. 4. In case of eye contact: Rinse gently with plenty of water at least for 15 minutes. If pain irritation, redness or photophobia persists. Consult eye specialist. Advice to physician: In case of poisoning treat symptomatically.

There is no known specific antidote. Treat the patient according to the symptoms