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Lansu (Bifenthrin 3% + Chlorpyriphos 30% EC)

Lethal, Bifenthrin 30% + Chlorpyriphos 30% EC is an insecticidal combination used for the control of stem borer and leaf folder in Paddy crop.

Technical Name: Bifenthrin 3% + Chlorpyriphos 30% EC Categories: , Packaging: , , Product ID: 25482


Lansu, Bifenthrin 30% + Chlorpyriphos 30% EC is an insecticidal combination used for the control of stem borer and leaf folder in Paddy crop. Caution :- 1. Product is toxic to honey bees, and thus their applications may strictly be avoided during the active foraging period of bees. 2. Product is highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms and thus may be avoided near aquaculture.


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Paddy Stem borer and leaf folder (24 + 240) – (30 + 300) 800-1000 500 21


Direction of Use
Take the measured quantity of Bifenthrin 3% + Chlorpyriphos 30% EC add to is a small quantity of water, mix thoroughly and then add the remaining quantity of water while stirring vigorously. Do not spay acting the wind.
Time of Application

1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth eye and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. spray in the direction of wind. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Early symptom of poisoning may be combination of dilation of pupils, muscular incoordination, ataxia and muscle tremors decrease spontaneous movement, tonic convulsion and ptosis. Headache, giddiness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, sweating, excessive lacharymation and salvation, contact with may this occasionally produce skin sensations such as rashes, numbing, burning or tingling. May cause delayed polyneuropathy in human beings if not handled properly.
First Aid
1. If inhaled remove the patient into fresh air. If breathing difficulty of discomfort occurs ad persists, obtain medical attention. 2. Rinse mouth with water, dilute by giving 1 or 2 glass of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. See a medical doctor immediately. 3. Remove contaminated clothes, wash contaminated skin and clothes with soap and plenty of water. get medical attention if irritation occurs and persists. 4. If eyes are contaminated, wash for 15 minutes with clean water.

1. Atropine sulphate 2-4 mg intravenously at 10-15 minutes interval for hours together. Extent of salivation shall indicate if more is needed. 2. 1-2 gm 2 PAM intravenously very slowly for 10-15 minutes in 10 ml distilled water.