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Fune (Fluopyram 34.48 % SC)

Fune (Fluopyram 34.48 % SC) is a nematicide recommended for use as soil drench for the control of root knot namatodes (Meloidogyne incognita) in Tomato.

Technical Name: Fluopyram 34.48 % SC Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 25492


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Tomato Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) 250 (2 applications) OR 500 (single application) 625 (2 application) OR 1250 (single application) 1000 5


Fluopyram 34.48 % w/w SC is a nematicide recommended for use as soil drench for the control of root knot namatodes (Meloidogyne incognita) in Tomato. It contains 344.8 g of Fluopyram active ingredient per kg of formulation which is equivalent to 400g of Fluopyram active ingredient per liter of formulation.

  • Fune is a revolutionary Nematicide that offers long-lasting protection against Root-Knot nematodes.
  • Nematodes attack the roots of the host crop and multiply very fast in favorable conditions resulting in the formation of big knots on the roots.
  • Amongst all nematodes Seen in India, the Root-knot nematode is most prominently seen and causes substantial economic losses to the farmers.

Mode of action

The active ingredient fluopyrum selectively inhibits Complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain of nematodes.

Following the application of Fune, nematodes cannot generate energy to sustain hence initially take on the shape of a needle, becomes immobile, and eventually dies.

Fune Features:

  • Fast, effective, and long-duration control of Root-knot nematodes.
  • The safety profile for the operator and the environment.
  • Low application rate and high flexibility in application.
  • Profitable and sustainable farm management.

Direction of Use
Fluopyram 34.48% w/w SC is a nematicide recommended for use as soil drench for the control of root knot nematodes in Tomato. Use only as directed.
Time of Application
Apply nematicide as soil drench with knapsack sprayer. Give 2 applications as soil drenching with 1st application @ 250 g.a.i./ha at 3 days after transplanting followed by 2nd application @ 250 g.a.i./ha at three weeks after 1st application OR give single application as soil drenching # 500 g.a.i./ha at 3 days after transplanting

Symptoms Of Poisoning
May cause headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, difficult breathing, decreased motility.

Treat symptomatically & supportively. Gastric lavage is not normally required. However, if a significant amount ( more than a mouthful) has been ingested, administer activated charcoal and sodium sulphate. There is no specific antidote.