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Fiper (Dimethoate 30% E.C)

Technical Name: Dimethoate 30% E.C. Category: Packaging: , , , Product ID: 27175


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Apple Stem Borer 0.03% 1485-1980 1500-2000
Apricot Aphid 0.03% 1485-1980 1500-2000
Banana Lace wing bug 0.03% 1485-1980 1500-2000
Banana Aphid 0.03% 1485-1980 1500-2000
Bhindi Leaf Hopper 600 1980 500-1000
Bhindi Aphid 700 2310 500-1000
Brinjal Shoot Borer 200 660 500-1000
Brinjal Jassid 600 1980 500-1000
Cabbage & Cauliflower Mustard Aphid 200 660 500-1000
Cabbage & Cauliflower
Cabbage & Cauliflower Aphid, Painted bug 200 660 500-1000
Castor Jassids, Mites, Semi looper 250, 350 825, 1155 500-1000
Chillies Mite 300 990 500-1000
Chillies Thrips 200 660 500-1000
Citrus Blank citrus, aphid 0.03% 1485-1980 1500-2000
Fig Fig jassid 0.03% 1485-1980 1500-2000
Maiz Steam borer, shoot fly 200 660 500-1000
Maiz Steam borer, shoot fly 200, 350 660, 1155 500-1000
Mango Hopper 0.05% 2475-3300 1500-2000
Mango Mealy bug 0.05% 2475-3300 1500-2000
Mustard Leaf minor, Aphid, Sawfly 200 660 500-1000
Onion Thrips 200 660 500-1000
Potato Aphids 200 660 500-1000
Rose Scale 750 2475 500-1000
Rose Thrips 400 1320 500-1000
Sorghum Midge 500 1650 500-1000
Sunflower Aphids 200 660 500-1000
Tomato White Fly 300 990 500-1000

Dimethoate 30% E.C
Fiper (Dimethoate 30% E.C) is systemic action emulsifiable concentrate formulation based on dimethoate technical, It is a broad spectrum insecticide. *Caution : Toxic to aquatic organisms hence should not be used near water bodies, aquaculture or pisciculture. It is toxic to honeybees, spray application should be avoided during foraging period of bees. Product is highly toxic to birds hence avoid use near bird habitat. Its use on vegitables which are eaten raw and apple should not allowed.

Direction of Use
P.P. Equipment:-Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer and ASPEE-HTP power sprayer
Time of Application

1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2.. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3.. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Headache, giddiness, vertigo,nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, diarrhoea, convulsions, sweating, excessive lacrimation, and salivation may occur.
First Aid
1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Repeat it until the vomitus is clear. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloth and wash the contaminated skin with copious amount of soap and water. 3. If eyes are contaiminated, flush with plenty of saline/clean water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 4. If inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air.
The product is not phytotoxic when used as per field recommendation.
1. Atropinize the patient immediately and maintain full atropinization by repeated doses of 2 to 4 mg. of atropine sulphate intravenously at 5 to 10 minutes interval. As much as 25 to 50 mg. of atropine may be required in a day. The need for further atropine administration is guided by the continuance of symptoms. Extent of salivation is a useful criterion for dose adjustment. 2. Dissolve 1-2 gm of 2 PAM in 10 ml distilled water and inject intravenously very slowly for 10-15 minutes.