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MeLeaf (Cartap hydrochloride 50% + Buprofezin 10% WP)

Technical Name: Cartap hydrochloride 50% + Buprofezin 10% WP Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 27206


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Rice Yellow stem borer, brown plant hopper, leaf folder, green leaf hopper, white backed plant hopper 480 800 500 20

MeLeaf, Cartap hydrochloride 50% + Buprofezin 10% WP, is a wettable powder combination insecticide which contain 50% Cartap hydrochloride and 10% Buprofezin active ingredient. Cartap hydrochloride is propesticide of the natural toxine nereistoxin, cause paralysis by blocking cholinergic transmission in the central nervous sutems of insect. It is systemic insecticide with stomach and contact action, whereas buprofezin component in chitin synthesis inhibitor with subsequent effect on cuticle deposition. It also has effects on the hormone levels of nymphs associated with moulting and on prostaglandin synthesis. This mixture is unique because one compound Cartap quick action and another Buprofezin long persistence action over a period of time, hence pest resurgence will be very unlikely to occur. Caution :- The product is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates and thus the product containing the molecules may be avoided near aquaculture.

Do not mix with bare hands. The user should use full protective clothing which includes rubber gloves, rubber boots, face should be covered with face mask or respirator and an over all rubber apron and hat.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Nausea, trembling of extremities and body, salivation, spasms, dyspnoea mydriasis, dizziness, headache, nervousness, anxiety, tremors, consulvasions, allergy, localized skin, effected like itching, slight skin erythema and nypoactivity.
First Aid
In case of skin contamination wash with soap and water. If eyes are contaminated flush eyes with clean water. If swallowed induce vomiting by tickling the back of throat. Repeat until vomiting fluid is clear. Call a physician.

An intravenous injection of (100-200 mg) l-cysteine or intramuscular injection (20-60 mg) of bal (dimercaprol or 2 , 3- dimercapto propanol) are recommended. treat symptomatically.