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Total Plus (Oxyfluorfen 2.5% + Glyphosate 41% SC)

(Oxyfluorfen 2.5%+Isopropyl Amine Salt of Glyphosate 41%SC

Technical Name: Oxyfluorfen 2.5% + Isopropyl Amine Salt of Glyphosate 41% SC Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 23684


Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Pea Arundinella bengalensis, Axonopus compressus
Cynodon dactylon,
Imperata cylindrical,
Kalmgrass, Paspalum
Polygonum perfoliatum
Non- Cropped area Soghum helepense and other dicot & monocot weeds in general 800-1200


Manner and Time of Application
For best results apply when the weeds are actively growing. The required quantity of ready mix chemical Oxyfluorfen 2.5% + Isopropyl Amine Salt of Glyphosate 41% w/w SC need to be diluted in water and sprayed by using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted with flood jet nozzle with spray volume @ 500 L/ha

Application Timing: For best results apply when the weeds are actively growing


Direction of Use
The required quantity of ready mix chemical Oxyfluorfen 2.5% + Isopropyl Amine Salt of Glyphosate 41% w/w SC need to be diluted in water and sprayed by using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted with flood jet nozzle with spray volume @ 500 L/ha.

Weather Condition(in general): Not to be used during unfavorable conditions.
Soil & Water(where ever applicable): Light to heavy soil. Clean water to be used for spray.
Crop Stage for application: For best results apply when the weeds are actively growing.
Application Technique: Foliar application targeting weeds.
Equipment Type: sprayed by using hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted with flood jet nozzle with spray volume @ 500 L/ha.
NozzleType: flood jet nozzle

SAFETY INSTRUCTION AND ANTIDOTE: no specific antidote is known. treat symptomatically

Phytotoxity: The product is not phytotoxic when used as per recommendation