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TOTAL 71 (Glyphosate 71% SG)

Total 71, is a non-selective post emergence herbicide used on wide range of annual, perennial broadleaf and grassy weeds in field crops, orchards & plantations

Technical Name: Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG Category: Packaging: Product ID: 23502


Recommended Dose of TOTAL 71

Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Tea & Non-Crop area Acalypha indica, Ageratum conyzoides  Cychorium intybus, Digera arvensis, Cynondon dactylon, Cyperus rotunedus, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eragrostis spp, Ipomea
digitarea, Paspalum conjugatum Sida aculata
2.13kg 3.0 kg. 500 7


  • Chemical Group: Organophosphate derivatives

Specifications of TOTAL 71

  • Total 71 is a non- Selective herbicide post emergence used for control of wide range of annual, perennial broadleaf and grassy weeds in field crops, orchards & plantations


  • When sprayed, it is rapidly absorbed and translocated to roots & rhizomes killing the weeds from below the ground
  • It is very effective against difficult-to-control weeds

MODE OF ACTION: Non-selective systemic herbicide

  • Compatibility: Mixing with other Herbicide may reduce efficiency of Total 71

Note: Always use Flood Jet or Flat Fan nozzle for herbicide spray


Please read the enclosed label and leaflet before use and follow the given instructions.
The Packages of the product shall be disposed of off in a safe manner so as to prevent environment and water pollution.


  • We recommend to always, read and follow instructions mentioned in product leaflet.
  • Since the storage and use of the products is beyond our control, we do not take any responsibility, other than the uniform quality of our products.