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Stamp (Difenoconazole 25% EC)

Stamp, is a fungicide and effective on a wide range of diseases from Powdery Mildew to Anthracnose to scab on a wide range of crops from Field Crops to Fruits and Vegetables.

Technical Name: samp Difenoconazole 25 EC Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 22495


Crop Common name of the disease Dosage per ha Formulation (g/ml)/%
a.i. (g) Dilution in water (L) Waiting  period (days)
Apple Scab 0.004% or  4 g/100 lt. water 0.015% or 15 ml/100 lt. water As required depending upon the size of the plant and plant protection equipment used 14
Groundnut Leaf Spot Rust 0.025% or
25g/100 lt. water
0.1% or 100ml/100 lt. water As required depending upon the size of the plant and plant protection equipment used 34
Rice Sheath blight 0.0125% or
12.5g/100 lt.
0.05% or 50 ml/100 lt. water 500-1000 (or as per the size of plant canopy) 25
Chilli Die-back Fruit rot 0.0125% or
lt. water
0.05% or 50 ml/100 lt. water 500 15
Cumin Blight Powdery  mildew 0.0125% or 12.5 g/100
lit. water
0.05%  or 50 ml/100 lit. water. 500 15
Onion Purple blotch
(Alternaria porri)
0.025% or
25 g/100 lit.
0.1% or 100 ml/100 lit. water. 500 20
Grape Anthracnose
Powdery mildew
0.0075% or
7.5 g / 100
lit water
0.03% or 30 ml / 100 lit water 500 42

Mode of Action of Stamp

Stamp stops the development of fungi by interfering with the biosynthesis of sterols in cell membranes, thus inhibiting the growth of fungus at every point of growth in the plant system

  • Stamp is amongst the world’s best selling Triazole, owing to its precise effectiveness and wide target range
  • It has a unique property of resting and acting inside the plant system, thus effectively killing the fungus present on every layer of the plant system
  • It is effective on a wide range of diseases from Powdery Mildew to Anthracnose to Scab on a wide range of crops from Field Crops to Fruits and Vegetables.

Stamp provides more to growers: It is reliable and economical, providing high returns. Stamp protects the new growth from within, thus making the crop completely free from diseases; produce is neat and clean. Due to its curative activity, Stamp is able to eliminate the fungus already present in the plant system, thus giving a complete protection to the crops.

Stamp should be used at the rate of 1 ml/lt of water. The rate of usage in different crop for effective disease management is as below