Recommended Dose of Sona
Crop | Common name of the disease | Dosage per ha | Waiting period (days) | ||
a.i. (g) | Formulation (g/ml)/% | Dilution in water (L) | |||
Soybean | Ecliptaalba, Commelina benghalensis, Chenopodiumalbum, Cyperus rotundus, Cyprus iria, Parthenium hysterophorus, Acalyphaindica, Phyllanthusniruri, Trianthema portulacashurm, Caesuliaauxillaris | 9 gm | 36 gm. | 300 ltrs. + Surfactant 0.2 % (Iso-ctyl phenoxyl- poloxethanol 12.5 %) | 45 |
Rice |
Echinochloacrusgalli, Ecliptaalba, Commelina benghalensis, Chenopodiumalbum, Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloacolonum | 6gm | 24 gm. | 500-600 | 60 |
Sona, A herbicide of the Sulfonylurea group used for selective, systemic and post-emergence control of weeds in transplanted paddy and soybean. The product works at a low dosage of 15 g|acre and effectively controls most major broad-leaved weeds and sedges in soybean.
Mode of Action: Rapid inhibitor of plant cell division and growth