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Smile (Chlorothalonil 75% WP)

Smile (Chlorothalonil 75% WP) is a Broad spectrum fungicide, superior protective action due to its multisite mode of action and anti-sporulant activity

Technical Name: Chlorothalonil 75% WP Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 22489


Recommended Dose of Smile:

Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Groundnut Tikka 0.66 – 0.863 gm 0.875-1.50 gm 600-800 14
Groundnut Rust 0.66 – 0.863 gm 0.875-1.50 gm 600-800 14
Potato Early & late blight 0.66 – 0.937 gm 0.875-1.25gm 600-800 14
Apple Scab 0.150%
(or 150 gm/100 lit.  water)
0.200% or 200 gm/100
lit. water
10 lit.
water per
45 days Recommended for use immediately after dormancy up
to green tip stage
Grape Anthracnose 0.150%
(or 150 gm/100 lit.  water)
0.2% or 200
gm/ 100 lit. water
100 60 days
Downey mildew 0.150% (or 150gm / 100lit.water) 0.2% or 200
gm/ 100 lit. water
100 60 days
Chilli Fruit rot 600 gm 800 gm 750 10 days

Specifications of SMILE :

  • Broad spectrum fungicide
  • It is having superior protective action due to its multisite mode of action and anti-sporulant activity
  • It has long persistence on crop surface and low soil mobility
  • It gives control up to 10 days
  • It is one of the best alternatives in complex disease outbreak situation

Chemical Group: Benzene di-carbonitrile (chloronitrile) group of fungicide

Mode of Action: Multi-site activity and contact action

Compatibility: Not compatible with oils

Phytotoxicity: Russeting is possible with flowering, ornamental crops, apples and grapes, if applied more than the recommended doses