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Smash (Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC)

Smash Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC is a novel substitute anthranilamide insecticides, is a board spectrum insecticide and is recommended for controlling pests in crops

Technical Name: Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC Category: Packaging: , , , Product ID: 23452


Recommendations Dosage of Smash

Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Bengal gram Pod Borer 25 125 500 11
Bittergourd Fruit Borers & Caterpillars 20-25 100-125 500 7
Black Gram Pod Borer 20 100 500 20
Brinjal Fruit and shoot borer 40 200 500-750 3
Cabbage Diamond Back Moth 10 50 500 3
Chilli Fruit borer 30 150 500 3
Cotton American Boll Warm  Spotted bollworm, Tabacoo caterpillar 30 150 500 9
Groundnut Tobacco catrpillor 30 150 500 28
Maize Spotted steam borer, Pink steam borer 40 200 500 10
Okra Fruit borer 25 125 500 5
Pigeon pea Gram pod borer, Pod fly 30 150 500-750 29
Rice Stem borer and Leaf Floder 30 150 500 47
Soybean Green semiloopers  stem fly Girdle Beetle 30 150 500-750 22
Sugarcane Termite 100-125 500-625 1000 208
Top borer 75 375 1000 208
Early shoot borer 75 375 1000 208
Tomato Fruit borer 30 150 500 3

Smash, Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w SC (20% w/v) is a novel substitute anthranilamide insecticides. It is a board spectrum insecticide and is recommended for controlling pests of Rice, Cabbage, Cotton, Sugarcane, Tomato, Chilli, Soybean, Brinjal, pigean pea (Red gram), Bengal gram, black gram, bittergourd , okra, Maize and Groundnut crop.

Specifications of Smash

  • Smash has amazing control over lepidopteran pests
  • Smash gives long duration control
  • Smash gives better flowering and robust crop
  • Smash provides high quality and better yield in crops
  • Smash has green triangle which is safe for crop and beneficial insects
  • Smash helps in getting better profits

Direction of Use
(Method and Time of application) Sugarcane: Sett Drenching/ Soil Drenching in the sugarcane crop for control of termites and early shoot borer and Top borer. The application fro the control of 3rd, 4th and 5th brood of Top borer in sugarcane, should be done as Soil drenching in the month of june Other crops (Rice, cotton, cabbage, tomato,chilli, soybean, brinjal, pigeonpea,bengal gram, black gram, bittergourd, okra) use as foliar spray at ETL of the pest population using knapsack sprayer.

Chemical Group: Anthranilic Diamide with branded active ingredient: Rynaxypyr®

Mode of Action: Activates Insect Ryanodine Receptors leading to Depletion of Ca++ from internal stores results in paralysis and death of the insects

Compatibility: It is compatible with all the available insecticides and fungicides in the market except those which are highly acidic or alkaline in nature

Phytotoxicity: No Phytotoxicity when applied as per the label recommendation