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Ripen Q (Ethephon 39% SL)

Ripen Q is plant growth regulator with systemic properties. It penetrates into the plant tissues, and is translocated and progressively decomposed to ethylene, which positively affects the growth process.

Technical Name: Ethephon 39% SL Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 22471


Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Mango For flower induction in juvenile mango 0.04% 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Mango For breaking alternate bearing tendencies 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Mango Post-harvest treatment 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Pineapple For flower induction 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Coffee(Arabica) Uniform ripening of berries 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Coffee(Robusta) Uniform ripening of berries 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Tomato Post-harvest treatment 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Rubber Yielding rubber latex 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit
Pomegranate Defoliation for better flowering & fruit yield 1.0 – 1.50ml/Lit

Mode of Action – Ripen Q is plant growth regulator with systemic properties. It penetrates into the plant tissues, and is translocated and progressively decomposed to ethylene, which positively affects the growth process.

Crop & Target Pest

  • Mango (for breaking alternate bearing tendencies): First spray in mid-October or early November total 5 spray at fortnightly interval
  • Mango (for flower induction): Commencing from early November total 5 sprays at weekly interval
  • Mango (post-harvest treatment): Dip mature fruits in the solution for uniform ripening. One treatment is required
  • Tomato (post-harvest treatment): Post-harvest treatment can be done by dipping once

Description –  Ripen Q is a versatile plant growth regulator which improves colouration and accelerates uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango, tomato, etc. It can be deployed in specific uses like defoliation in pomegranate and breaking alternate bearing in mango.


  • Improve coloration and accelerates uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango tomato.
  • Helps in breaking alternate bearing of mango and induces profuse flowering.