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Premix (Imidacloprid 48% FS)

Premix is a systemic insecticide provides protection against many sap sucking insect pests which may damage the seedlings & initial stages of crop for 30 to 40 days.

Technical Name: Imidacloprid 48% FS Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 23437


Recommendations Dosage of Premix

Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Okra Jassids, Aphid 300 – 540 500– 900
Sunflower Jassids, Whitefly 300 – 540 500 – 900
Cotton Aphid, Jassids, Whitefly, Thrips 300 – 540 500 – 900
Soybean Jassids 75 125
Sorghum Shoot fly 720 1200
Pearl millet Shoot fly and termites 720 1200

Product Features

  • Premix is improved & user-friendly seed dressing insecticide containing Imidacloprid which is a systemic insecticide.
  • Systemic mode of action & relatively less quantity of formulation for application makes it user friendly for seed dressing.
  • Premix benefits crop by providing protection against many sap sucking insect pests which may damage the seedlings & initial stages of crop for 30 to 40 days.
  • Early-stage protection against these sucking pests reduces the need of repeated foliar sprays & this makes it Integrated Pest Management friendly.