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Planar (Fenazaquin 18.3% SC)

Planar (Fenazaquin 18.3% SC) is broad spectrum insecticide & miticide controls Mites & Insects, whiteflies on cotton, cabbage, chilli, brinjal, okra, tomato crops.

Technical Name: Fenazaquin 18.3% SC Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 25459



Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Brinjal Red Spider Mite (Tetranyehusurticae) 114.375 625 400 – 500 10


  • Planar Insecticide to control Mites & Insects, whiteflies.
  • Fenazaquin 18.3% sc is broad spectrum insecticide & miticide .
  • Fenazaquin 18.3% sc is recommended for its use to control pest in cotton, cabbage, chilli, brinjal, cardamon, okra, tomato, and citrus, crops.

Mode of operation:

Planar is a quinazoline insecticide/acaricide which exhibits contact and ovicidal activity against a broad spectrum of mites in grapes, pome fruit, citrus, peaches, cucurbits, tomatoes, cotton and ornamentals.
  • Add the measured quantity of concentration to clean water in the half filled spray think. Maintain agitation while topping up
  • always stir the spray mixture well and apply within a few hours.
  • Prepare no more spray mixture than is needed for the immediate operation.