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NEEM Cake is a clear natural extract of neem, which acts as a soil conditioner, protect plant roots and young plants from wide range of insects-pests due to antifeedant and repellent properties

Technical Name: NEEM Cake Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 23539



Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Paddy, Cotton and Sugarcane nematodes, soil grubs and termites 150-200 kg/acre 10

Product Features:

  • NEEM Cake is a clear, pure and hygienic product which acts as a soil conditioner
  • Inhibits nitrification, reduces losses and thus makes more nitrogen available to the crops
  • Excellent source of natural macro and micro-nutrient
  • Provides natural protection to plants from the perils of soil dwelling insect-pests, diseases and nematodes
  • Contains Azadirachtin and other limonoids from Neem, which protect plant roots and young plants from wide range of insects-pests due to antifeedant and repellent properties
  • Improves yield