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NAG (Buprofezin 25% SC)

NAG is an insect growth regulator has both insecticidal and acaricidal property. NAG controls sucking pests effectively. It suppresses egg laying capacity of the female adults.

Technical Name: Buprofezin 25% SC Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 23460


Recommendations Dosage of NAG 

Crop Common name of the disease Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Paddy Brown plant
Leaf folder
1250+1500 500 30
Cotton Whiteflies, Jassids,  Aphids, Thrips 400
Chilli Yellow Mite 120-140
Mango Mango Hoppers 1-2 mL/L water
( 5-15 L water/Tree)
Grapes Mealy Bug 400-600

Specifications of NAG  

  • NAG is an insect growth regulator. NAG controls sucking pests effectively
  • It has both insecticidal and acaricidal property
  • It suppresses egg laying capacity of the female adults
  • It gives phytotonic effect to the plant
  • Highly selective to most beneficial families of insects, including the parasitoid wasps. Specific control of Homopteran pests – Ideally suited for use in IPM programmes.

Chemical Group: Thiadiazine group of insecticide

Mode of Action: Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor, Insect Growth Regulator

Compatibility: It is compatible with all the available insecticides and fungicides in the market except those which are highly acidic or alkaline in nature

Phytotoxicity: No Phytotoxicity when applied as per the label recommendation