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MiteOff (Spirotetramat 11.01 % + Imidacloprid 11.01% SC)

MiteOff is a two-way systemic insecticide and used as foliar spray for the control of red spider mites on Okra, and control of whiteflies and red spider mites on brinjal

Technical Name: Spirotetramat 11.01 % + Imidacloprid 11.01% SC Category: Packaging: , , , Product ID: 25473



Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days) Re-entry after each Application (In Hours)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Brinjal Whiteflies, Read Spider Mites 60+60 500 500 5
Mango Mealy bug 0.02% 0.08% Spray fluid as required depending upon size of the tree 15
Okra Read Spider Mites 60+60 500 500 3

MiteOff, Spirotetramat 11.01% w/w + Imidacloprid 11.01% w/w SC a systemic insecticide contains 11.01 gram of Spirotetramat and 110.1 gram of Imidacloprid active ingredients per kg of formulation, which is equal to 120 gram of Spirotetramat and 120 gram of Imidacloprid active ingredients per liter of formulation. Caution: Do not spray during active bee-foraging period of the day.

Mode of Action:

Spirotetramat is a Keto-enol and acts through lipid biosynthesis inhibition. It has a long duration efficacy against developmental stages of multiple sucking pests. Imidacloprid is anicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) inhibitor and results in disruption of the insect’s nervous system.

Direction of Use
Spirotetramat 11.01% w/w + Imidacloprid 11.01% w/w SC is used in Okra for control of Red Spider Mites and in Brinjal for control of Whiteflies and Red Spider Mites.
  • Two-way systemic insecticide: It offers a truly unique two-way systemic control, moving both upward and downward within plant system to control even hidden pests wherever they live and feed.
  • Broad Spectrum Insecticide: Movento Energy is a broad spectrum insecticide effective against multiple sucking pests
  • Long Lasting Efficacy: Movento Energy offers excellent long-term suppression of pest populations which results in increased crop vigour and increased yield
  • Two-way systemic insecticide: It offers a truly unique two-way systemic control, moving both upward and downward within plant system to control even hidden pests wherever they live and feed.
  • Broad Spectrum Insecticide: MiteOff is a broad spectrum insecticide effective against multiple sucking pests
  • Long Lasting Efficacy: MiteOff offers excellent long-term suppression of pest populations which results in increased crop vigour and increased yield

Caution: Avoid spraying when the crop is in flowering stage and do not spray when the bees are actively foraging.