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Metri (Metribuzin 70% WP)

Metri (Metribuzin 70% WP) is combination which is a selective, systemic and contact herbicide of Triazinone  group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis. It works for the control of weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, soybean and wheat.

Technical Name: Metribuzin 70% WP Category: Packaging: , , Product ID: 22459


Recommended Dose of Herbicide Metri

Crop Common name of the disease Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Soybean Digitariaspp.,
Cyperus esculentus,
Borreria spp.,
Eragrostis spp.
0.5-0.75kg. 750-1000 30
Wheat Phalaris minor,
500-750 120

Description of Metri

Metri ( Metribuzin 70% WP ) is combination which is a selective, systemic and contact herbicide of Triazinone  group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II. It works for the control of weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, soybean and wheat. It acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post emergence applications. It controls both narrow and broad leaf weeds.

Mode of Action of Metri

Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by the leaves, with translocation in the xylem. It inhibits photosynthesis. It acts on both grasses and broad leaf weeds.

Features and Benefits

  • It effectively controls Phalaris minor, which has developed resistance to most of the herbicides in addition to many other grasses and broad leaf weeds.
  • It is economical because of its broad spectrum activity and low dose.
  • No residual effect on succeeding crops.