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Flexon (Chlorantraniliprole 8.8% + Thiamethoxam 17.5% SC)

Flexon is a systematic insecticide recommended for its use as soil drench to control leaf miner, whitefly & fruit borer in tomato and stem borer, leaf folder, green leaf hopper in rice nursery.

Technical Name: Chlorantraniliprole 8.8% + Thiamethoxam 17.5% SC Category: Packaging: , , , Product ID: 25485


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Rice nursery Stem borer, Leaf folder, Green Leaf hopper 180 (Chlorantraniliprole 60+ Thiamethoxam 120) 600 100 116
Tomato Leaf miner, Whitefly & Fruit borer 150 (Chlorantraniliprole 50+ Thiamethoxam 100) 500 50-100 ml/plant 36

Flexon, Chlorantraniliprole 8.8%+ Thiamethoxam 17.5%w/w SC is a systematic insecticide recommended for its use as soil drench to control leaf miner, whitefly & fruit borer in tomato and stem borer, leaf folder, green leaf hopper in rice nursery. Toxic to bees: Do not allow drift to flowering weeds, hedges or flowering crops in the vicinity of the treatment area. do not spray on flowering crops between 15 days before start till and off flowering period. Do not spray during active bee-foraging period of the day and use with care to avoid air/dust contamination of cropping area. The product is toxic to aquatic organism.

About Product

  • Flexon insecticide is the only integrated solution used for spraying on many crops safely. It is highly effective and extended to all absorbent insects and worms.
  • There is no need to mix more than one pesticide if there is more than one lesion and is suitable for harvest periods and export crops.
  • The pesticide should not be sprayed during the period of bee activity.

Mode Of Action: It possess the characteristics of two active ingredients with different mechanisms of action chlorantraniliprole and Thiamethoxam. The insects affected by Flexon quickly stop feeding and moving.

Preferably treat symptomatically. Take medical advice. activated charcoal can also be administered use charcoal as slurry (240ml water/30gm charcoal). Dosage: 25 to 100gm in adult, 25 to 50 gm in children (1 to 12 years) and 1 gm in infants less than 1 year old.