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Flog Advance (Fenxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% + Metribuzin 13.6% EC)

Flog Advance, Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% w/w + Metribuzin 13.6% w/w EC is a post emergence herbicide recommended for the control of grassy and broad leafed weeds in Wheat.

Technical Name: Fenxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% + Metribuzin 13.6% EC Category: Packaging: , , , Product ID: 27191


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Wheat Little seed canary grass Phalaris minor Lambs quarter Chenopodium album Meadow Pea Lathyrus aphaca Golden dock Rumex Sp. Sweet Clover Melilotus Sp. 100+175 1250 375 110

Flog Advance, Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% w/w + Metribuzin 13.6% w/w EC formulation contains 77.7g of Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl and 13.6g of Metribuzin active ingredient per litre of formulation. Flog Advance, Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% w/w + Metribuzin 13.6% w/w EC is a post emergence herbicide recommended for the control of grassy and broad leafed weeds in Wheat.

Direction of Use
Time of Application
Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% w/w + Metribuzin 13.6% w/w EC is recommended to be applied at 3-5 leaf stage of weeds (30-40 days after sowing of wheat). Spraying should be done with knapsack sprayer fitted with flood jet or flat fan nozzle.
Avoid inhalation, skin or oral contact with the herbicide. Do not chew tobacco, eat food or smoke during spraying. While spraying use protective clothing, rubber gloves, boots, masks, overall rubber apron, hood or hat. Spray only in the direction of wind currents and not against so as to avoid spray drifts setting on the body. Wash hands well with soap and water after spraying. Clean sprayer thoroughly with water after spraying.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Weakness, fatigue, excessive lachrimation, ataxia, trembling, decreased activity, skin rash etc. may occur.
First Aid
Get the victim into the fresh air immediately. Remove contaminated clothing. If swallowed do not induce vomiting. If skin is contaminated wash well with soap and water. If eyes are contaminated, flush with clean water. Call a physician immediately.
No specific antidote is known. Give symptomatic treatment.