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Star (Dinotefuran 15% + Pymetrozine 45% WG)

Category: Product ID: 27158


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Rice brown plant hopper (nilaparvata lugens), white backed plant hopper (sogatella furcifera), green leaf hopper (nephotottix virescens) and rice ear head bug (leptocorisa acuta) 200 333 500 24

Star, Dinotefuran 15% + Pymetrozine 45% Wg is water dispersible granule formulation which is contact and systemic insecticide. It exhibits translaminar acticity and it recommended for the control of brown plant hopper, white backed plant hopper, green leaf hopper and rice ear head bug of Rice crop. Caution :- The product is toxic to hone bees thus may be avoided during active period of foraging of honey bees. Product is slightly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Not to be used on crops other than those prescribed on label and leaflet.

Direction of Use

Time of Application
Apply as soon as the prest population reaches at economic threshold level (ELT).
1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animal feed. 2. Avoid contact with mouth eyes and skin. 3. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after using. 4. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while using. 5. Wear full protective clothing while using product which includes rubber gloves boots and goggles or face shield and over all or rubber apron or hat.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Staggered gait, prostration, miosis, excessive salivation, tachypnea, dyspnoea, convulsion, irritation or eyes, skin and respiratory tract, red stained urine, hypothemic to touch, erythema etc.
First Aid
1. If ingested :- Seek the medical advice at the earliest. If person is conscious and alert rinse mouth with water and give 1 or 2 glass of water to drink. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call the doctor. Do not induced vomiting until and unless desired by attending physician. 2. If inhaled :- Take the patient to fresh air and take care of body temperature. If patient is not breathing or breathing with difficulty give artificial respiration, preferably with mouth to mouth breathing. Consult a physician. 3. In case of skin contact :- Wash thoroughly the affected part of body with soap and plenty of water including hairs and under finger nails. If pain redness or irritation persists consult a doctor. All the contaminated clothes should be segregated and thoroughly washed with soap and water separately before use. 4. In case of eye contact :- Rinse gently with plenty of water at least for 15 minutes. If pain, irritation, redness or photo phobia persists. Consult eye specialist.

No specific antidote known. Treat symptomatically.