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Captal (Captan 50% WP)

Captal Broad Spectrum Fungicide belonging to the Phthalimide group. It gives tremendous protection against a wide variety of fungal infections in crops equally at seeding stage and in mature plants.

Technical Name: Captan 50% WP Categories: , Packaging: , Product ID: 18124



Crop Dosage per ha Dilution in water (L)
Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Waiting  period (days)
Chillies Fruit rot
750 gm 1500 gm 500 5
Potato Early blight &
Late blight
750 gm 1500 gm 500 21


  • Captal is a Broad Spectrum Fungicide belonging to the Phthalimide group.
  • Captal is a protective and curative action.
  • It gives tremendous protection against a wide variety of fungal infections in crops equally at seeding stage and in mature plants.
  • Captal serves both as a seed- dresser and as a foliar spray to control seed-borne diseases, soil inhibiting fungi and foliar/fruit diseases.
  • It works by inhibiting respiration of numerous species of fungi and bacteria.
  • Captal also blocks the ability of fungus to produce energy.
  • Captal is effective fungicide of micronized particle size used for the control of brown rot, downey mildew, early blight and late blight in apple, cherry, grapes, potato and tomato etc.

CAPTAL should not be combined with copper mixture, spray lime, lime sulphur or oils.

Description of Captal

  • Captal is broad spectrum fungicide belonging to the phthalimide group. It works by inhibiting respiration of numerous species of fungi and bacteria. Also blocks the ability of fungus to produce energy.

MODE OF ACTION: Non-systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.


  • It gives tremendous protection against a wide variety of fungal infections in crops equally at seeding stage and mature plants.
  • It serves both as a seed-dresser and as a foliar spray to control seed-borne diseases, soil inhibiting fungi and foliar/fruits diseases.
  • It is effective fungicide of micronized particle size used for the control of brown rot, Downey mildew, early blight and late blight in apple, cherry, grapes, potato and tomato etc.
  • It is used in agricultural production as well as by the home gardener