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Blue-COC (Copper Oxychloride 50% WP)

Blue COC, Copper Oxychloride 50% WP is a broad spectrum fungicide effective against various fungal pathogens.

Technical Name: Copper Oxychloride 50% WP Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 23472



Dosage per ha Waiting  period (days)
Crop Common name of the disease a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Citrus Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Canker 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Cardamon Clump Rot 1.87-3.75 3.75-5.5 750-1000
Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Chilli Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Fruit Rot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Betel Foot Rot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Banana Fruit Rot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Coffee Black Rot 1.87-3.75 3.75-5.5 750-1000
Rust 1.87-3.75 3.75-5.5 750-1000
Cumin Blight 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Potato Early Blight 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Late Blight 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Paddy Brown Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Tobacco Downy Mildew 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Black Sank 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Frog eye leaf 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Tomato Early Blight 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Late Blight 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Leaf Spot 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Tea Blister Blight 0.21 0.42 175
Black Rot 0.30 0.60 125
Red Rust 0.30 0.60 125
Grape Downy Mildew 1.25 2.5 750-1000
Coconut Bud Rot 1.25 2.5 750-1000


Copper Oxychloride 50% WP (Blue-COC) is a broad spectrum fungicide. The presence of copper content makes it effective against various fungal pathogens. Effective in controlling the fungus resistant to other fungicides. Due to its fine particles, it sticks to the leaves and helps to restrict the growth of the fungus. Blue-COC does not wash off by the rain the active ingredient forms a protective layer on the crop surface. Due to this the protective layer formation this formulation remains effective for a long time and prevent the pest attacks


  • Blue-COC also effectively controls the fungus resistant to other fungicides.
  • Blue-COC sticks to the leaves due to its fine particles and helps to restrict the growth of the fungus.
  • Blue-COC gradually releases copper ions due to less solubility, thereby it controls the disease for a longer period.


Blue-COC is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide with protective action against the disease causing fungi. Copper kills spores by combining with sulphahydral groups of certain enzymes. Spores actively accumulate copper and thus germination of spores is inhibited, even at lower concentrations.




  • Please read the enclosed label and leaflet before use and follow the given instructions.
  • The Packages of the product shall be disposed of off in a safe manner so as to prevent environment and water pollution.


  • We recommend to always, read and follow instructions mentioned in product leaflet.
  • Since the storage and use of the products is beyond our control, we do not take any responsibility, other than the uniform quality of our products.