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Solo (Betacyfluthrin 8.49% + Imidacloprid 19.81% OD)

Technical Name: Betacyfluthrin 8.49% + Imidacloprid 19.81% OD Category: Packaging: , , , Product ID: 27190


Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (lts) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)
AI (gms) Formulation (gms)
Brinjal Aphids, Jassids and Shoot and fruit borer 15.75 + 36.75 to 18 + 42 175-200 500 7

Solo, Betacyfluthrin 8.49% w/w + Imidacloprid 19.81% w/w OD is a contact and systemic insecticides. It contains 90 g Betacyfluthrin and 210 g of Imidacloprid active ingredients, per litre of formulation.

Direction of Use
Use : Betacyfluthrin 8.49% w/w + Imidacloprid 19.81% w/w OD is recommended for the use in brinjal for the control of aphids, jassids and shoot and fruit borer. Caution: Products seems to be toxic to Honey bees, therefore it should not be used when bees are actively foraging. Plant Protection Equipment: Hand operated knapsack sprayer fitted with hollow cone or triple action nozzles are recommended for spraying.
Time of Application
• Avoid contact with spilled products or contaminated surfaces. • Wear personal protective equipment. • Unprotected persons must be kept away. • Do not allow the undiluted product to come into contact with skin. Use PVC or other plastic material gloves or nitrile gloves and long sleeved shirts to protect skin to avoid direct contact with the product. • Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. • Keep working clothes separately. • For eye protection, use safety glasses (goggles). • Wash hands away before eating, drinking, smoking or using the toilet and also wash hands immediately after spray. If necessary, take a shower after finishing the spray. • Remove soiled or soaked clothing immediately and clean thoroughly before using again.
Symptoms Of Poisoning
Excitement, Gastrointestinal, discomfort, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, epigastric pain, muscular fasciculation of limbs, unconsciousness, convulsions etc.
First Aid
1. Remove patient from danger zone. 2. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and dispose off safely. Call a physician immediately. 3. When inhaled, remove to fresh air and seek medical aid. Give oxygen or artificial respiration, if needed. 4. In case of skin contact, wash off thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. Apply Vitamin E cream or simple toilet milks. 5. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. 6. In case of ingestion, wash out mouth with water. Induce vomiting only if (1) patient is fully conscious (2) medical aid is not readily available. (3) a significant amount (more than a mouthful) has been ingested and (4) time since ingestion is less than 1 hour (vomit should not get into respiration tract) 7. In case of convulsions, a benzodiazepine (e.g. diazepam) should be given according to standard regimens. 8. Keep under medical supervision for atleast 48 hours.
Non phytotoxic when used as recommended.
Specific antidote is not known. Treat symptomatically.