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Moleth (Diafenthiuron 47.8% SC)

Moleth, Diafenthiuron 47.8% SC, a broad spectrum non-systemic insecticide having contact and stomach to control Aphids, Jassids, Thrips & Whiteflies in Cotton crop.

Technical Name: Diafenthiuron 47.8% SC Category: Packaging: , Product ID: 18167



Crop Dosage/HA Waiting  period (days)
Common name of the Pest a.i. (g) Formulation (g/ml)/% Dilution in water (L)
Cotton 500ml 500ltr 500Ltr

Diafenthiuron 47.8% SC, a broad spectrum non-systemic insecticide having contact and stomach activity is recommended for its use to control Aphids, Jassids, Thrips & Whiteflies in Cotton crop. Diafenthiuron belongs to group 12A of insecticide mode of action.


Insect Resistance Management (IRM) In order to avoid resistance development it is strongly recommended to use Diafenthiuron 47.8% w/w SC in rotation with other recommended products with a different mode of action, in line with insecticide Resistance Management principles. Use as per label and avoid using less than labelled dose.


METHOD & TIME OF APPLICATION Preparation & Directions of Use : Shake the container before use.

Measure out required quantity of the product and mix it well with a small quantity of water. Add the remaining quantity of water as specified with thorough agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable sprayer.

Apply the insecticide when the incidence of sucking pests is first observed and repeat applications as necessary.

Apply the insecticide with knapsack sprayer or any other relevant sprayer in sufficient quantity of water to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage.