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Blackgram The traditional cultivation of black gram is confined to the South-Asia and adjacent regions. Blackgram cultivation is distributed mainly in tropical to sub-tropical countries. The production of black gram globally is around 8.5 million tonnes, from the major producing countries such as India, Myanmar and Thailand. India contributes nearly 70% of world’s production followed by Myanmar and Thailand. 

The major producing states in India are Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

Blackgram Herbicides

S.No.ProductTechnicalTarget Weed
124HQuizalofop ethyl 10% ECEleusine indica, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eragrotis spp, Paspalidium spp, Echinochloa spp, Dinebra retroflexa
2Whip – SFENOXAPROP-P-ETHYL 9.3% ECEchinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colona Digitaria sp.
Dactylocteneum Aegyptium

Blackgram Fungicide

S.No.ProductTechnicalTarget Pest

Blackgram Insecicide

S.No.ProductTechnicalTarget Pest

Pod borer

Blackgram diseases and Damages

American pod borer
American pod borer
American pod borer
American pod borer
Tobacco Caterpillar on Soybean
Tobacco Caterpillar on Cotton
Tobacco Caterpillar on cabbage
Tobacco Caterpillar on Groundnut