Global crop care is in the business of insecticide, Herbicide, Fungicide and seed treatment, Specialty Nutrients. To become a complete plant protection solutions Company, Global Crop care has introduced a range of products. The Crop Protection business produces Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide and PGRs and markets these products in Maharashtra, India and across India. The Company clocked a turnover of 5 Crores during FY 2016 – 17 and we will be touching 100 crore in 2025 – 26.
Kailaschand N Patodi
Kailaschand Patodi, started working in the Agriculture economy of India from an early age. While exploring the ground realities of the existing Indian Agriculture system, he witnessed the income of the farmers affected by due to low or no-income due to many factors. This experience made his dream of working towards the upliftment of the farmer community a driving force for this company.

Over the last 39+ years, Mr. Kailaschand has performed a crucial role in the exponential growth of Global Crop Care Group. He has comprehensive experience in the agrochemical industry, management, development and integration of the company policies and proce-dures, forcing overall business growth and sustainability.
Mr. Kailaschand Patodi is a highly motivated and passionate entrepreneur, well-respected in the agrochemicals industry of India. With a vibrant personality and exceptional business acumen, Mr. Kailaschand is among dynamic leaders in the industry. His decision-making skills, determination, problem-solving school of thought, have turned him into a visionary.
P Patodi
P Patodi is a chemical engineer with over 25 years of field experience overseas and in India. has vast experience in Research and development of Technical grade Pesticide, Process Development in Laboratory and Pilot Plant and their implementation up to commercial scale. He has been instrumental in designing and execution of Large Scale Pesticide Technical and Formulation Unit. He has more than two decades of entrepreneurial experience in the chemical space focused on International Marketing and Business Development. He has exhaustive experience in research and development of new products, testing and Enterprise Risk Management across diverse global markets.
Sachn Patodi
Sachin Patodi has done Commerce graduate with over 17 years of entrepreneurial and marketing experience. Has special interest in new market development. Has good understanding of Indian market. He has very vast experience of farmers requirement and farm products. He has very high level of understanding of vegetables, grains and fruits diseases and its solutions. Very passionate about the business to take it to next level is something hallmark of Mr. Sachin.
- To create sustainable and environment friendly future for farmers.
- To supply best quality products to our farmers & Build trust for future businesses.
- To produce agriculture inputs using natural resources & cutting age molecules affordable to our farmers.
The Spirit of the Global Group
- Quality
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Passion
- Respect

Global Crop Care is committed to continual improvement of its products, services, processes and management systems through the implementation of its Quality Management System (QMS). Our QMS is based on our Quality Policy herein articulated through 10 area of focus.
Improving manufacturing process system.
Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the employee’s work.
Enhancement of customer satisfaction through service quality and improvement of products.
Expansion of market base.
Market standing Reinforcement and stabilization of company’s.
Improving HR development, training practice and environment.
Safety of employees and property of the company’s premises and in its surroundings.
Compliance to applicable regulatory requirements related to products, Environment, Health & Safety.
Provide appropriate information along with the company’s products.
Contribution to betterment of society through CSR activities.
The Quality policy is reviewed periodically for continuous improvement and effectiveness.
Heath, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Global Crop Care company aim is to provide safe and healthy work environment for its employees, workers, customers and interested parties by a comprehensive occupational health and safety management systems. We believe that all work-related injuries are preventable and we are committed to manage our activities so as to avoid unnecessary or unaccepted risk to the health and safety of our employees and interested parties. We shall be responsible for effective implementation and dissemination of this policy to all concerned stake holders.
In pursuit of this belief and commitment, we shall:
Comply with applicable legal and other requirements that relates to plant, process safety, occupational health, and environmental safety.
To identify all risks & opportunity, need & expectation and ensure proper internal & external communication with affected workers and interested parties.
Continuously analyze and improve our practices and processes to reduce & eliminate the hazards, risk and adverse impact on plant and health of our employees & interested parties.
Encourage all the employees, workers and interested parties for their active participation & consultation in hazards identification, risk assessment, environment impact, incident investigation, audits and implement the remedial actions for the identified hazards and risks.
Develop a culture of safety through active leadership by providing appropriate information and periodic training on plant and process safety, work safety, occupational health, and environmental safety to all concerned to enable them to fulfill their health and safety obligations.
Provide an ergonomically safe work environment by reducing occupational injuries, hazards and illness to our employees and interested parties.
Investigate and analyze the cause of work-related injuries and illness as well as environmental related incidents or damages and take preventive action to eliminate the root cause of occurrence.
Establish and implement HSE management system related to all projects, plant, process safety, work safety, occupational health & environmental protection. • Ensure optimal consumption of natural resources and minimize the generation of waste with proper disposal as per norms.
Monitoring of HSE performance and continual improvement in HSE system by objectives & targets.
Our production facilities located strategically near key market, stands on four pillars of quality, technology, capacity and global best practices.


Global best practices


- Since product usage is beyond our control, we are unable to assure anything other than quality of the product.
- Recommendation given in the catalogue is based on label fields, apart from label claim it has no legal bearings.